A common topic is, without a doubt, the weather, particularly as it affects us so much in the north. During my online Spanish for kids classes, my students and I have fun asking each other how the weather is and acting it out to bring real life subjects to the online classroom.
How’s the Weather?
Today, my puppet friend Pancho helped me to introduce different types of weather in Spanish. I encourage you and your child to watch the video and play along by asking your child how the weather is (¿Cómo está el clima?) and answering.
Spanish for Kids
To help your child, I also have an infographic available with all of the information about the weather. This is for those of you who subscribe to my newsletter (and, of course, for those of you who would like to join). To receive this, please enter your email in the “Want more learning resources?” section below.
Have fun learning!

For additional practice with more structure, I recommend the following:
- Completely watch the video once.
- Repeat the question ¿Cómo está el clima? three times.
- Re-watch the video and ask your child to play the role of Profesora Mary and ask the question.
- Watch the video again and pause after each section to memorize the weather phrases. Start with the first answer (Está lloviendo), and ask your child to repeat it three times. They can repeat it while performing actions with their body to describe lloviendo. (For example, wiggling their fingers and moving their arms down to mimic rain.)
- For additional reinforcement, role play with each expression by asking ¿Cómo está el clima? and then answering (for example, Está lloviendo).
- To help your child produce these phrases independently, ask them ¿Cómo está el clima? a few times during the week and point outside so they can describe the weather where you live.